By gentle production of extracts for the food industry aromas are reflected lifelike. CO2 extracts contain no residues from solvents and are easy to process. CO2 replaces organic solvents which can be harmful.
Naturally extracting
life's essentials.
Setting the standard in industrialization
Using CO2 as a process medium at industrial scale is the core competence of Natex and its affiliated partner, company Innoweld Metallverarbeitung GmbH. Within this collaboration numerous large scale industrial plants have been successfully realized, most of them for the first time in history. This pioneer work results in continuously challenging the status quo and moving the boundaries of the industry. The engineering and process know how from NATEX complemented with the individual abilities of selected suppliers for the core equipment like apparatus, pumps, compressors and instrumentation allows an efficient realization of innovative turnkey projects.

Pharmaceutical industry
CO2 extracts are biological high active as well as without any residue. This is the reason they are indispensable in development of pharmaceutical products.

Cosmetic industry
Extracts from natural substances are widely used as bioactive care components in cosmetic products. Essential oils, gained by CO2 extraction technology, give special flavor to parfums.

Other applications
New applications need development of new processes. Together with our customers and in the course of indoor research as well as international research projects we are developing process and application-oriented new solutions.